If your child was just diagnosed, you are here looking for answers or maybe help. First, take some time to process the information. Know there are many resources and support systems out there. If you want to take action, here are some things you should do:
Establish What Supports Your Child Needs
School-aged kids with an ASD diagnosis often benefit from an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). Look into what resources the school district can offer and work with the IEP team to figure out what works best for your child. Other supports may include therapy services, such as ABA (applied behavior analysis) therapy, speech therapy, and/or occupational therapy.
Look into State Funding
In Illinois, we have PUNS, which is funding which provides access to services using a Developmental Disability Waiver. PUNS funding can start at any point and will cover different services for the remainder of a person’s life. However, getting pulled for PUNS funding can take years, so it’s best to get on the list for funding as soon as possible.
Find Help and Support
There are many resources willing to help. Depending on what you need, you can find support groups, charities, and more resources. Your family doctor is usually a great place to start. Make sure your insurance will cover any services you are looking to receive. Some family opt to take out a secondary insurance plan to cover services.
Learn More About Autism
Check into resources to learn more about what autism is and how it can impact your child, but also know that each person with autism is different and so will be their journey. Read about people with autism and their experiences.
Learn from Your Child
Remember that you are still the expert on your child. Try to avoid comparing your child to others, instead see what they need and do what you can to meet those needs.