Blog 1

Blog 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nec odio non leo ultricies volutpat. Vivamus euismod, tortor eget consequat interdum, nisl dolor semper justo, a facilisis justo odio non nisi. Curabitur sagittis, leo a fermentum mattis, libero risus...

Back to School with Autism

It’s back to school time! While many parents are excited to send their children to school, others are worried about their children. Will their teachers listen to them? Will my child make friends? How will my child handle the change in their routine? Below we describe...

The Importance of Social Significance

Working together as a team when choosing skill acquisition and behavior reduction goals is an important part of ABA therapy. When discussing goals with you your BCBA will prioritize goals of social significance. Socially significant goals are based on importance to...