Working together as a team when choosing skill acquisition and behavior reduction goals is an important part of ABA therapy. When discussing goals with you your BCBA will prioritize goals of social significance. Socially significant goals are based on importance to the family, to the individual receiving services, and skills that will allow the individual to best function within their environment.
Of course, there are some goals that, as a parent, you may want to see worked on right away. These might include conversation skills or toilet training, but there are certain reasons those may not be targeted immediately. We may need to first work to reduce problematic behaviors, teach precursor skills, or wait for the child to catch up developmentally. Another example, might be a family goal of the child knowing their math facts, however, at the present time the child does not sit with the family to eat dinner. Therefore, it would be more socially significant to start with addressing the child’s ability to sit and eat a meal with the family before addressing the student’s ability to cooperate with completing more academic demands.
Other goals that a family may have but may not be a socially significant goal would be decreasing sensory-based behaviors. This may include hand-flapping or eye contact. We only target behaviors for reduction if they interfere socially, academically or if the behavior presents a safety concern.
As always consult your BCBA with any question or concerns.